This delivery wraps up our June Share. We hope you enjoyed our experimental 4-week June Share. We think it went Read more →
Named 2016 Organic Farmers of the Year by MOSES!
Our goal as farmers is to provide you with an appealing variety of high-quality produce so attractive and tasty that you and your family will eat more vegetables than you ever imagined. We are proud of our succulent carrots, fragrant bell peppers, sweet watermelons picked at the peak of ripeness.
First, we choose the most flavorful varieties. Then we grow your food in certified organic, biologically-active soils. Plants are nourished with cover crops, minerals, and composts. Pests are controlled through pro-active management and gentle natural materials. We’ve been farming since 1976, so we have the experience to grow the good food you want.
We thank you for your support. In buying our produce, you are choosing to support your local economy as well as responsible farming practices.