Last chance for storage share + Willy Street parade
- On: September 23, 2015
Storage share = two large boxes in November.
We still have a few storage shares available for hungry members who want to extend their CSA season. Our storage share consists of one delivery of two large boxes. Delivery date will be November 19/20, 2015 (Thurs/Fri sites). This is the last chance to sign up – we need to place our potato order soon.
To register for a winter share, go to and follow the instructions.
Cost: The cost is $105.
Payment: Register online, then send a check for $105 to Tipi Produce, 14706 W. Ahara Road, Evansville, WI 53536
– The deadline to register is September 30, or when the shares sell out.
– To hold your reserved storage share, we need your payment in hand one week after you register, and no later than Oct. 6.
The produce: This delivery is much larger than deliveries during the CSA season, about 3 times the size of our typical CSA box, packed into two large boxes. The contents will depend on the weather, and what is available and good quality. Expected contents include potatoes, carrots and onions, plus stored crops such as winter squash, leeks, garlic, cabbage, beets, celeriac, parsnips, rutabagas and winter radishes. We will probably include something fresh from the garden, eg. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli or greens. Some veggies will need to be refrigerated. Others can be stored at room temperature. Click to see what we delivered in the 2014 storage share.
Not sure if you already ordered a winter share? Send yourself an email with your membership info at Once the email arrives, look under Membership Details/ Member Type 1 to view whether you have already signed up for a winter share.
Willy Street Fair
Our crew gathered to march in the Willy Street Fair parade again this year, powered by Maggie and Jon’s energy. Actually, everyone was pretty enthusiastic. This year’s innovation? Maggie screen-printed sixty “Water On” Tipi t-shirts to give away. This is the special shirt she designed for our farm crew. That woman has so much energy. Jon constructed a catapult from a giant rubber band and a u-boat, a type of cart. That meant we didn’t just toss the t-shirts into the crowd, we launched them. Orange Orano peppers, grape tomatoes and flowers were our other offerings. Our friend Rob Summerbell of Jolly Giants Entertainment followed us in the parade, steering his enormous Wacky Wheeler. “Look at that,” he thought, “everyone is eating orange popsicles.” Nope, those were our orange peppers. Some people take them, some people don’t. I guess peppers and tomatoes are unexpected parade treats.
We were positioned just behind the bubble mobile, a pearlescent place to be. Check out the boys’ outfits. They planned them for weeks. We were glad to hear many shouts of “Hey! That’s my CSA.”
Maggie made the banner last year. The handles are rims for canning jars!
From back, Lizzy (with kale), Kelcie, Jory, Madeleine with Pickles in pouch.
The bubble-mobile. We were honored to trail the parade’s biggest celebrity.
Melon Man and Brassica Boy, armed with kale sabers. They made their capes from cauliflower leaves, the sturdiest leaves on the farm right now. See the noisemakers trailing Maggie’s rickshaw? More canning jar rims.
Jon (carrying kale), Steve and Jeremy bring a u-boat loaded with peppers and tomatoes. The thick rubber band nearest the top is our t-shirt catapult.
Our tallest fan enjoys a grape tomato.
Maggie with her rickshaw. Someday soon, I will write about the crew’s efforts preserving produce for winter. They are heroic.
We feel like such amateurs. Maybe for next year’s CSA boxes?
Extra produce sales
Hey folks, I’d like to explain our extra produce sales, for the benefit of new members this year. You’ve probably noticed our emails offering extra tomatoes or peppers for sale. We offer these sales at peak season when we have more than enough for the CSA boxes. It’s a chance to preserve some tasty produce for winter. At this point, tomato sales are done for this season. We might offer red peppers again, but maybe not. Later this fall, we’ll offer boxes of green kale. Basil is unlikely this year due to a disease problem.
The turn-around time to place an order is often short, sometimes just a few hours. We realize this can be difficult for members, but we cannot open sales until we’re confident we have what’s needed for the CSA boxes. That often means a short window to place your order. FYI, I usually make the announcements on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Veggie List and Veggie Notes
Red potatoes, 3.5 lb
Italian beans, 1.75 lb
Broccoli, 1 – 3 heads depending on size
Leeks, about 1.5 lb
Slicing tomatoes, about 2 lb
Red bell peppers, 2
Zavory “not-hot” habanero chiles, small handful
Cilantro, 1 bunch
A few sites will get one heirloom tomato per box.
Next week’s box will probably contain carrots, beets, winter squash, edamame soybeans, peppers, onions and more.
Red potatoes – Finally, we have potatoes for you. There has not been room in the CSA boxes until now! Chad Malek of Specialty Potatoes and Produce in Rosholt grew these organic potatoes for us.
Italian beans – This is Steve’s favorite type of bean. Broad and sturdy, they can be lightly cooked or braised for a longer time. New York Times writer Melissa Clark’s article “Beans in Their Own Sweet Time” is a revelation about how to braise beans. She writes “The beans I grew up on were barely blanched until green as grass, retaining a fresh, chlorophyll taste and a firm al dente texture that seemed to make sense with their spaghetti-thin girth…. But when the Italian mother of my college roommate offered a plate of tender beans, I found them addictive from the first melting bite. With a droopy texture I would have considered overcooked as a know-it-all kid, these gorgeous legumes were a revelation. Gently simmered in a rich garlic-flecked tomato sauce until soft and velvety but not the least bit mushy, I had seconds, then thirds, which tickled the cook to no end.” Basically, instead of a quick steaming, you braise the beans in a flavorful sauce until they are very tender and have taken up the sauce’s flavors. Melissa’s recipe calls for green beans, but I like braising Italian beans best.
Leeks (look like big scallions) – These alliums have a milder flavor than onions. Nonetheless, they can be used in recipes that call for onions. To wash, split the leek lengthwise, from the green tops about halfway to the base, leaving the base intact. Rinse well under running water, separating the layers to flush. If necessary, split the leek further if soil has penetrated more than halfway down the leek. Shake dry. Leeks are generally eaten cooked. They can be sauteed, steamed or roasted. Intact leeks will store 2 to 3 weeks if covered loosely and refrigerated. The outer leaves will yellow. Just peel them off and discard. The inner leek layers will be fine.
Slicing tomatoes (mixed colors) – We’re happy to still have tomatoes but recognize these will not store long. It’s best to refrigerate them. Better yet, eat them quickly!
‘Zavory’ habaneros (small, orange or red) – These habaneros are NOT HOT. Almost all the spice has been bred out of them, leaving mild heat in the seeds. Now we can all learn what habaneros actually taste like. The blazing heat always got in the way, as normal habaneros are about 200,000 Scoville units. Lo-and-behold, these Zavory chiles have great, fruity flavor, really interesting. You should still approach them with caution. We’ve found rare off-types mixed in, but very infrequently, and not with the full heat of a normal habanero. As always, remove the seeds if you want to reduce the risk of spiciness.
Comforting Classics
Roasted Romano Beans
Bean and Tomato Sauté
Roasted Tomato Thyme Vinaigrette
Beef, Leek and Potato All Day Stew
Broccoli Cashew Stir Fry
Balsamic Roasted Potato
Outside the Box Recipes
Indian Spiced Romano Beans
Leek and Bean Barlotto
Yucatan Tomato Habañero Salsa
Saffron Rice with Frizzled Leeks
Smashed Potatoes with Broccoli
Lemon Dijon Dill Potato and Broccoli Salad
Kitchen Sink Recipe
Quick and Easy Meal Recipe